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Dignitas Infinita: What’s the Gist?

Dr. Richard DeClue

On April 8, 2024, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) released its second declaration in less than a year: Dignitas Infinita. Over the last few weeks, much has been written about the document from a variety of perspectives, some championing it, others contending with specific points. So as not to miss the forest for the trees, here I will provide some brief background to the document, give a sketch of how it is organized, and summarize its general contents. The reader can then refer to the sections of the text cited for further information about the specific points they find most interesting or intriguing.

The document was in the works for five years. The decision to create such a document was made back in March 2019. The Vatican consulted experts to help draft a first version of the text that same year, but a consultative review found it deficient. A second draft was created from scratch and the consultative review went more favorably (October 2021). However, the members of the then Congregation (now Dicastery) of the Doctrine of the Faith desired to abbreviate and simplify it (January 2022). In February 2023, the revised text was further modified by yet another consultative review. Subsequently, the Dicastery itself (May 2023) agreed it could finally be published after a few more changes. In November 2023, Pope Francis “asked that the document highlight topics closely connected to the theme of dignity, such as poverty, the situation of migrants, violence against women, human trafficking, war, and other themes.”1 Thus, even more substantial alterations were required. To make room for the pope’s desired additions, the Dicastery shortened the beginning section. Finally, in February 2024, a final draft was completed and then approved by the Holy Father in March.

Praise the Lord

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