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Catholic charity shines a light on Nigeria massacres in UK Parliament

(ZENIT News / London, 05.01.2024).- The UK Parliament has received an exclusive report from a leading Catholic charity about the latest wave of attacks against Christian communities in Nigeria and how the people are terrified amid growing concerns of inaction in the struggle to bring the culprits to justice.

The account, given by Daniel Beurthe of Aid to the Church in Need ACN (UK), the Catholic charity for persecuted Christians, was provided yesterday (23rd April) at a meeting hosted by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Freedom of Religion or Belief in the House of Commons, Westminster.

DUP MP for Strangford Jim Shannon chaired the event, and in attendance was Baroness Cox of Queensbury, founder of Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART), as well as representatives from ACN (UK), Open Doors, CSW and ADF International.

Praise the Lord

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