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26 Feb 2020 HOLY LAND TLM PILGRIMAGE – Day 6: Jesus Wept and Peter Denied

Today took us to several significant sites in the life of Our Lord and His chief Apostle and His Blessed Mother.

We started Mass at the church built near the spot where the Lord came ’round the bend and saw Jerusalem laid out before Him. He wept over the city, because He knew what was going to happen to it when the Romans came. It is hard to imagine the carnage. If I am not mistaken, by the time the Romans were done, some million people were dead, and even lying unburied about the city.

We used the Mass formulary for Ash Wednesday rather than the Mass propers for the Church “Dominus Flevit”, but I did double up the orations.  I was torn about which to use, but Ash Wednesday…. pretty forceful.   I thought the Post Communion of the other, however, was striking.

Praise the Lord

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