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Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother and Mystery

We celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe today, a commemoration elevated to a feast on the eve of the Third Millennium by Pope John Paul II, who also declared her patroness of all of ‘America’, south, central, and north, as well as the primary intercessor for the unborn.

Appearing to (now saint) Juan Diego on this December day in 1531, while the Protestant ‘Reformation’ was wreaking havoc across the Atlantic in Europe, the Virgin tenderly asked ‘Juanito’ as she called him, and through him asked all of us, ‘Am I not your mother?’, to which there is really only one answer.

Yes, she is our Mother, even in the midst of all the chaos, evil and mayhem of this world, with each day seeming to bring a new variety, oft from a certain religion. Alas, the voluntarism of Islam, Allah an inscrutable God whose decrees are to be carried out regardless of reason, mercy and charity…

Praise the Lord

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