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Do not be troubled nor disturbed by anything

Yesterday Maureen and I visited Fr. Tony at the abortion killing site. As usual Fr. Tony is there witnessing for the children who cannot speak for themselves. Witnessing for the children who are at the mercy of a Godless society that cares not for them. We do have hope though.

Fr. Tony reminded us of what Our Blessed Mother said to St. Juan Diego at Guadalupe in 1531:

“Listen, my son, to what I tell you now: do not be troubled nor disturbed by anything; do not fear illness nor any other distressing occurrence, nor pain. Am I not your mother? Am I not life and health? Have I not placed you on my lap and made you my responsibility? Do you need anything else?” (Holy card, With Ecclesiastical Approval, Our Lady of Guadalupe Abbey, Lafayette, Oregon)

Fr. Tony changed his signs. See here for his source for his new wording on his signs.

Even though we don’t always understand God’s ways, and why the evil of abortion is allowed, God is in control. We entrust their tiny souls to Him as we pray and witness to end abortion. This is more precious than anything the pro-abortions have, as there is nothing precious about the slaughter of these holy innocents.

Praise the Lord

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